“ Act well your part; there all honor lies.” Alexander Pope
I think this is a great quote by Alexander Pope. If you act good and graceful. You will be honored with a GREAT reward . For example, I am honored to be at this school. This school is really great and I like being here . There could have been many other students to join this school except for me. You are also honored to have parents who care about you and love you. Without them , you wouldn’t even have been born so give them all the love and feel honored that they are the greatest parents you ever have. Another thing that you get honored for it your school grade when they give you an award for your outstanding work. You worked hard for that grade and you get something in return for your very hard work. Feel honored for what you get in return for your actions. It might not be exactly something like money or an object, but it can be something very good that’ll happen to you waiting to come.

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